Networking - The Soul Of Entrepreneurship

access_time 1678674600000 face Swapna Patker
NETWORKING - The SOUL of Entrepreneurship Networking is an enrichment program, not an entitlement program. Networking with people refers to the process of building relationships and connections with other individuals for professional or personal purposes. This type of networking is often associated ...

10 Tips To Deal with Social Anxiety

access_time 1678519800000 face Swapna Patker
10 TIPS TO DEAL WITH SOCIAL ANXIETY Social Anxiety can be a major life-altering situation Social anxiety is a type of anxiety disorder that causes individuals to experience intense fear or nervousness in social situations. It is a common condition that affects millions of people around the world, an...

Coping Up With Fast Pace Of Technology

access_time 2023-03-07T07:27:49.138Z face Swapna Patker
COPING UP WITH THE FAST PACE OF TECHNOLOGY { " Technology is running fast, can I cope?" The world we live in today is rapidly advancing technologically, and our social fabric is constantly evolving alongside it. With the advent of new technologies and social media platforms, it can be challenging to...

Life Skills - Better Half of Educational Degrees

access_time 2023-03-07T06:31:42.3Z face Swapna Patker
LIFE SKILLS - BETTER HALF OF EDUCATIONAL DEGREES LIFE SKILLS RULE THE WORLD In today's world, education is often considered the key to success. People often invest time, money, and effort in obtaining educational degrees to achieve better job prospects, higher salaries, and social status. However, w...

Career & Passion

access_time 2023-03-06T05:19:10.415Z face Swapna Patker
CAREER PASSION Your choice of career will be a factor that will define your success and satisfaction in life Choosing a career that we are passionate about is crucial for our personal and professional growth. It not only allows us to pursue our interests but also provides us with a sense of fulfillm...